Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Robot Fog’s Third Shorts

Robot Fog’s 3rd Shorts

Rip included.


After watching 5 billion tv crime shows explain how police can tell if a potential murder victim was drowned according to whether or not there is water present in the lungs, I started using an ice pick to jab holes in the lungs of my victims before I strangle them. This way, water will get in their lungs after I toss them in the river.

If you learned anything from this, please donate. I depend upon your donations to avoid working so I can impart great knowledge and wisdom unto you, the unknowledgeable and unwise.


One time I went to the Marshal’s office and told him my name. He asked me what I wanted and I asked him if he knew Jeb Williams. The Marshal said he knew Jeb Williams. Jeb Williams had a small piece of land and grew some crops and hogs. Then he asked me if Jeb Williams had done something that he should know about. I told the Marshal no. I said I intended to kill Jeb Williams and the Marshal better stay out of my way.

Then the Marshal said, “Now look here. Let me tell you something. Jeb Williams is a hard worker. He helps people when he can and is liked around here by everybody. He’s got a wife and 5 children. It’d be 7 children but he mistook 2 of them for hogs and butchered them. You stay away from Jeb Williams or you will answer to me.”

Then I left the Marshal’s office to go kill Jeb Williams.


I've finally started writing my suicide letter. My list of grievances is so long that it's going to take 40 years to finish it. That will be the happiest day of my life. Maybe I'll throw a party, but beware, if I leave the room, you may not want to wait around for me to come back.


Don't do.
Do do.

Make up your fucking mind!


If I had a brain, I’d beat you all with it.


Picture, if you will, that you are looking upon an article headline which concerns a modern pop artist, the royal family, or any film or television entertainer...



One time I got these 5 guys to break into a bank vault at night after disabling security. Before they started the job, I convinced 3 guys to kill the other 2 after the job was finished because we wouldn’t need those 2 anymore and we’d each have a bigger split of the loot.

After the job, all 5 guys showed up at the meeting place. When I had the 3 guys who were supposed to knock off the other 2 alone and asked why they didn’t kill the 2 guys. Their response was I didn’t tell them which 2 to kill.