Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Disgustions from Jack Human 3

 Disgustions from Jack Human the Third


A doctor and an intern are walking down a hallway in the surgical wing of a hospital. The intern is feeling deeply disturbed. It was the intern’s third surgical procedure and the young intern cut a patient open to look at his heart. It turned out the heart wasn’t why the patient needed surgery. The intern hadn’t thought he should cut the patient open but another seriously dickish intern goaded him into it.

Doctor: "It was a mistake. Don’t worry about it. If it makes you feel any better, I once removed the wrong testicle."

Intern: "Was it your own?"


Lieutenant Columbo is speaking with a suspect.

Kennicutt: “Listen lieutenant, my marriage to my wife might have seemed strange to an awful lot of people. My wife was young enough to be my daughter but we loved each other completely. We even considered having a child together. A child named Bix Billingsly.

Now, does that answer your question?”

Columbo: “Possibly. I’m not recalling asking that question, though.”


"I’m afraid you have 10 years to live. You're going to have to quit your job"


"yes. You are going to have to spend all your time whacking it to this one playboy magazine from 1974. I'm sorry. It's all we can do for you. Anything you'd like to say?"

"Yes. I need a new pornologist.”


"Name a food that makes a lot of noise when eaten."

"Live children.”


Judge: “due to the amount of evidence brought against you, this court finds you guilty of murder. In accordance to the laws of this state, if you can call Kansas a state, I sentence you to hang by the neck until dead. Now, do you have anything to say?”

Old Man: “Yes, your honor.”

Judge: “what is it?”

Old Man: “Do I have to hang until I’m dead?”

Judge: “of course you do. This is a death sentence!”

Old Man: “But, do I have to hang by the neck? I have an awful lot of neck pain as it is”


"Pooh?", said Piglet.

"Yes, Piglet?", Said Pooh.

"I want to kill you."


Crooks: "We didn't mean anything. Please don't hurt us, Superman!"

Superman: "Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you."

Crooks: "Wheww. Thank God"

Superman. (yells over his shoulder): "Hey, Batman, get in here, will you?"


Horatio Caine to suspect: “We need to know where you were the last 24hours."

Suspect: "I was taking off my pants.”


A defendant is on the stand while on trial for committing murder.

Defense attorney: “Have you ever murdered anyone.”

Defendant: “Do you mean other than myself?”


30 year old male: “I’m not ready to lose my hair. I mean, really.”

God: “Then fucking strap it on, you dickwad.”


Jay Bourne: "I volunteered because I thought our enemies killed my father"

Some random guy who doesn't give a damn: "So, you're saying it's all groovy if it turns out friends killed him?"


Richard: "I was in my kitchen doing my dishes. I heard the doorbell. I thought it was the doorbell but I was uncertain. I mean, it SOUNDED like the doorbell but how could I be sure, after all, I thought I heard it but I didn't SEE it being rung. I pulled on my sleeves and straightened the sides of my tweed suit jacket so I would look presentable and off I went to see if there was someone at the door."

Barbara: "Do you always wear a suit when you wash the dishes?"

Richard: "I said I was doing the dishes. Who said anything about washing them?"


In the apocalypse...

Man: “I’m trying to do everything I can to make sure things get better out here”

Chance encounter: “Oh? What are you doing?”

Man: “I’m killing every person I see so that there will be more zombies. Hang on a moment while I get my knife out.”


Santa: "So, Joey, what do you want for Christmas?"

Joey: "I want you dead!"

Joey pulls a rod but it's a curtain rod. Santa overpowers him and slams the rod into Joey's eye far enough to kill his brain.


Thus ends the 1st chapter of "The Christmas Dead"


Santa: "So, Cindy, what do you want for Christmas?"

Cindy: "Your corpse!"

Cindy pulls out a ray-gun and attempts to blast Santa's face off but the ray-gun fails and Santa strangles her with his reindeer beating whip.

Santa: "They never learn. I gave her that toy last year and batteries were not included. Stupid children."


Thus ends the 2nd chapter of "The Christmas Dead"

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Jack Humans 4th Shorts

 Same as the 1st shorts but without the drool stains.   


In response to covid 19, Jump Cut Productions is reaching out to all of you. We considered giving $700,000 to hospitals and charities, however we came to understand that our company is in the red. Therefore, we are requesting that our loyal customers rent and purchase as many of our productions as possible.

We care.

Thank you for enabling our giving.

Stay safe.

Wear a mask, a helmet, and 15 pairs of pants.


There’s a spider on your neck.


Okay. My new Jump Cut production is underway. It’s a story about a dog that is a disgrace to all dogs and lives in shame. The dog is standing around a swamp and senses an alligator nearby. The dog, whose name is Corn, walks into some tall grass and hides in silence while its human roommate calls for it. The human walks down to the swamp calling “Corn! Corn!”, at which point  a giant alligator the size of Nebraska jumps up out of the swamp and munches on the human.

The gator goes back into the water and Corn dog quietly barks so the gator can’t hear and yet it appears to anyone who happens upon the scene that Corn dog tried to save the human who used to feed him crappy leftovers.

Since I’m bored, I’ll finish this up fast. Yet, not fast enough for you to be grateful.

The community catches onto Corn dog’s cowardly behavior and shuns the miserable brute. He spends the rest of the movie trying to redeem his reputation and regain the favor he once enjoyed effortlessly. Owls avoid him and cats spit on him. Eventually, Corn dog is reduced to eating junk dropped near dumpsters. Despite several jobs, he is continually fired. Eventually, he is debased enough to seek the attention of people in their twenties who also lack self respect.

The sheriff finds Corn dog’s lifeless body. The dog’s not dead. Just emotionally empty and filled with shame. The sheriff buries Corn dog

Credits roll.


One time I raced a guy for ownership of our vehicles and I beat him so he was supposed to give me the papers to his car. I did win the stupid race. 

But the guy drove off after losing. 

So I drove around for a while and finally saw him standing by his car. I drove by and shot him. I mean, the guy OWED ME A CAR. The very car he was standing next to when I shot him. 

So I shoot the guy and drive off thinking, "what a jerk. He's dead and he could have been alive."

I went home and was eating a banana because that is all i saw lying around when the police show up and were like, "Did you kill that guy?"

So I said yes. I killed him. I explained about how the guy drove off without giving me the damn papers after the race. I asked, "What the hell was I supposed to do?"

This one cop said, "Well, you could have stopped, gotten out of your car and taken his papers from him. Then you'd have a car and you wouldn't be going to prison."

I considered whipping the banana peel in his smart cop face but the other 15 cops had knocked me down and were handcuffing me AS IF I WAS THE BAD GUY!


Detectives asked Ed Rasby to take a polygraph test. He agreed. The results showed Ed Rasby had taken a polygraph test.


Today marks 4 weeks without sugar for me. No meat, dairy, flour, or pasta. I feel great. I haven’t had any nicotine. I haven’t had any alcohol either and I haven’t felt the need for it. The best thing is that my joints are no longer sore and I’m never short of breath. In fact, I’ve had no issues since my burial.


How often do you masturbate?

Is the first question I ask my patients who find it disturbing because I'm a child psychiatrist. My patients are thrown off at being asked the question by a 10 year old.

My response to their consternation is simply, "Idiot, do you think child psychiatry is a motherfucking game!"

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*** Buy no Anoro, get no Anoro free.

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Your account password has changed which is apparently something you should do with your underwear on occasion.


Dear hostages,

A few days ago I was driving my car up the street because I keep getting yelled at when I drive it over peoples’ feet. On the opposite side of the street heading toward me was some old guy on a scooter. Scooter man had a cig hanging out of his mouth and no helmet. The lack of a helmet confused me because I thought all people on a motorized device had to wear helmets. Not that I care.

So this old guy on a scooter with no helmet and a cig hanging from his lips was passing by me. I knocked the cig out of his mouth with my hand and yelled, “This ain’t France!”

I figured I could go back to driving half on the sidewalk since there’re no rules anymore.


I remember 100 years ago when the Covid-19 pandemic started and we had to wear masks. When the vaccination came out, I decided to continue wearing masks even though they aren’t necessary anymore. What happened was that 6 months after wearing masks, I realized I didn’t have to brush my teeth anymore and I have no intention of ever brushing my teeth again. Two days ago, I was outside alone so I removed my mask. A bird that I was watching fell dead from a tree and a squirrel in the same tree started screaming and trying to eat it’s own face but, I’ve saved dozens of dollars on toothpaste and crappy Listerine. Life is good.


I was on the highway earlier today when it occurred to me I had forgotten my car. I got off at the next exit and went home to retrieve it.


I’ve a skull and nothing with which to fill it.


I am really really good at Karate. I learned it when I was 4 years old and practiced daily every day since then. I've had some really good teachers and won a few contests. the FBI hired me to kill CIA agents and Mexican drug lords hired me to defend them from the Colombians. Sure, I'm not perfect. I lost a few fights, but I am good at martial arts, specializing in Karate.

I tell you all this because work has been sporadic lately. I work as a refurbisher of used baby diapers as a profession but the industry has gone to hell since the advent of disposables.

Anyway, I finally found a part time job at a massage parlor. However, I hadn't time to train myself in massaging so I fell back upon karate and broke the spine of my first client. I was shocked. I knew I wouldn't be receiving a tip and I might get reprimanded. I fought my out through the lobby breaking Suzy, the receptionist's, arm and ran away.

The problem is that I still need to find a job. Anyway, I read about an opening in the maternity ward at the hospital. I'll let you know how it works out.


I bought a newspaper for the first time in about 37 years. It contained a story about a married couple selling babies. I didn’t understand why the hell anyone would even want a baby and figured the couple would be out of business soon. Then I realized my dogs were hungry so I put down the newspaper and went to the address where the couple was running their business. The place was totally shut down which pissed me off because I’d been hoping to get some cheap food for my dogs. I picked up the newspaper when I arrived back home and turned to the page where the story had been continued. It turns out the stupid town must have wanted the babies and had the cops take them all away from the couple selling them.

I also got screwed by an article about a couple selling fentanyl. When I arrived at the address, nobody was there.

Why advertise businesses that have been shut down?

I totally hate newspapers.


I was driving and 10 minutes later I realized 10 minutes had passed.


I'm old. So I'm going to take a nap. When I awake, I'll be older, so I'll need another nap.


As many of you know, I have a 2nd job delivering urine for upscale clientele.

This morning I had my first delivery job in a while. I’m not making as much as I thought I would be so I probably won’t be purchasing a second home.

This morning the client insisted on coming along with me and questioned every decision I made concerning how to carry the urine. I probably should have jumped out of my car while driving and shouted, “Deliver your own urine!”

Clients are a headache. But urine is important and the proper handling of it is essential 

If not existential.


If you think smoking tobacco won’t kill you then why don’t you ask yourself where everybody is who smoked tobacco in 1911. They’re gone, aren’t they? Where? Dead. Along with everyone who ate chicken legs and everyone who wore leather shoes. Is that what you want? No? Then stop living like people who lived in 1911.


I feel pretty bad. I was driving earlier and hit some people as they walked across the street. As I was laughing, I saw a squirrel run out into the road a bit and I yelled at it, “Get out of the road, you jerk!”

There was no reason to insult the squirrel. No reason at all. I probably will go to bed without dinner. I hope the squirrel is doing okay. I can be a better person.


Dan Diarrhea was running late...


I was born.

If that wasn’t bad enough, I was forced to watch an episode of “Blue Bloods”...
I weep.


Show me someone I don’t want to punch and I’ll show you someone I’ve never met.

Then I’ll punch them. And you.